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Making a living using his third eye

Business mind collaborates with creatives


Photography by Mthi’z Photography

Mthi’z Photography and Projects is based in Pimville Zone 1, Owned by Mothibedi Mohoje and co-owned by Simphiwe Msibi.

Mothibedi, best known to his community as ‘Mthi’, is a 31-year-old who has never been employed since the age of 18 because he has always been business minded.

He started selling small stuff like sweets, cigarettes while still at school. He also sold socks, snacks and much more at his home.

He grew from that to opening his own business of photography and an Internet cafe.

“I have been in the Internet cafe business before but I quit in 2013 because I did not see growth. I then opened my own business in 2014. It was formal and registered,” he said.

“I was business-minded from a very young age. I was studying at TUT (Tshwane University of Technology) doing my National Diploma but I dropped out during my third year, however, that didn’t stop me from pursuing my dreams”, said Mthi.

Asked who or what inspired him, Mthi said he is his own inspiration.

“Truly speaking I inspire myself. Mthi’s Photography and Project is a business that mostly works with corporates but basically, we don’t limit ourselves because we also work with individuals who trust our work. It’s a matter of people believing in us”, he explained.

They also open opportunities for the young people within the community.

“In conclusion, let’s forget about the government, let’s sacrifice, forget about designer assets and liquor because they are forever there but opportunities such as this are limited”, he concluded.


A portrait from Mthi’z photography

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