Dobsonville: Open manhole a danger to children

Residents concerned about the manhole which has been open for months.

According to residents, the manhole has been open for four months.

A manhole situated along Dr Matseke Drive and Khubeka Street remained opened for four months despite several complaints made by residents to authorities about the dangers posed by open manholes.

The Democratic Alliance proportional representation councillor, Pogiso Kgobokoe said that it was unfortunate to see people living under such appalling and life-threatening conditions.

“The open manhole poses a danger to both adults and children in the area. People could fall inside the open manhole and can sue Joburg Water and the City of Joburg for injuries sustained.

“That could cost the City of Joburg a lot in taxpayers money that could have been used for other service delivery programmes,” said Kgobokoe.

According to him, the matter has already been brought to the attention of the Joburg Water senior management and they promised to attend to it matter before the end of the week.

He assured residents that he would follow up on the issue to ensure that a solution was provided.
Kgobokoe said, “I thank the people of Dobsonville for bringing this matter to my attention.”

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