
Two suspects caught red-handed with dagga

Police confiscated dagga from one of the suspects.

Dagga seems to be the predominant narcotic that police officers have been catching residents in their possession with lately.

There have been two drug busts in a space of two days for what is often termed a medicinal herb.

On a Tuesday morning, in Protea South a man was arrested for possession of the above-mentioned drug.

According to police reports, officials were leading a stop and search in the area when they thought were two suspicious men.

On approaching the men, officials searched them and one of the men was found in possession of dagga.

The 32-year-old was arrested on the scene and a charge was laid against him. The suspect appeared in the Protea Magistrate Court the day after arrest.

In Protea Glen Extension One, two days later another man was arrested for the same offence.

On a routine patrol in the evening, police officers on duty saw two apprehensive men standing at the tuck shop.

Like in the above incident, on approach, the police officers requested to search the men.

One of the men was found with a plastic bag containing dagga.

The 24-year-old suspect was arrested on the scene and appeared in the Protea Magistrate Court last week Monday.

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