High fire alert in informal settlements this winter

The EMS will be giving out Safety Kit Handovers to informal settlements.

Following the shack fire that killed two people recently Princes Maponya Informal Settlement, The City of Johannesburg’s Emergency Management Services has raised concern.

The city will be giving out Safety Kit Handovers to various informal settlements between June and July.

The areas include Protea South, Diepsloot Extension One, Slovoville, Zandspruit, Women’s Hostel, Roseacres and Orange Farm.

According to Robert Mulaudzi of EMS, about 790 fire incidents occurred within the city of Johannesburg’s informal settlements last year.

“We are advising the people to be careful this winter and use electricity wisely and safely.

“In most of these fire incidents young children are left alone at home and that puts them at risk if they have to cook for themselves, fire incidents occur,” said Mlaudzi.

Read more: Shack fire claims the life of two people at Princes Maponya

The City also realised that most fires are caused by lighting and heating appliances that are not regulated by National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) and in most cases, they explode and start fires.

Candles that are not placed on proper candle safety jars to prevent them from falling.

Using open fire for cooking in a confined space with highly flammable materials which are also causes of death when people inhale its toxic smoke.

Illegal connections of electricity which also has a bad consequence for young children in those areas with electrocution.

“The safety kit will help the people to be more careful and will protect them to reduce the number of fire incidents in the informal settlements,” said Mulaudzi.

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