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Yahweh’s house international and ministries celebrate Ascension Day

Ascension three days revival crusade.

Yahweh’s House International and Ministries held an ascension revival crusade on May 25-28, to celebrate Ascension Day which is a Christian holiday.

Guest Pastors who were invited to attend the crusade gave sermons with different topics that are related to the day.

On May 25, Pastor Fikile Poka gave a sermon about Ascension Day and in the evening service Pastor Ron Rambembu preached under the topic: Living heaven on earth, on May 26 Pastor Daniel Eminike spoke about the purpose of the gift and on May 27 Pst spoke about God changing people’s names.

Pastor Gift Poka was leading the first service on May 28 giving a sermon on the topic: When Jesus rose he passed through the heavens.

“It would have been easy for his disciples to say that Jesus woke in spirit but they said he physically woke up.

“The only proof they had was empty tomb (Act 1),” said Poka.

Poka said that the bible is clear and to the point.

“God said in the bible that he made heavens and earth (Genesis 1).

“Before you ascend you must descend,” said Poka.

Poka explained the different heavens that are found in the bible where he said that the first heaven is the living things on earth, second heaven is the area of spirits and the third heaven is the presence of God.

“These heavens have authority over the other but the living things don’t have no authority over any heaven (Ephesians 1).

“That’s why they needed Jesus,” said Poka.

Poka said that Jesus rose and went through the heavens that why Christians now have direct access to God.

“Jesus went to earth so that we don’t have to make an appointment with God. Jesus gave us the power to control the heavens,” explains Poka.

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