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Riverlea resident finds hope in cycling

The hope that cycling can bring.

Joseph Jacobs (49) is a digital operator, a former soccer coach and now a passionate cyclist who belongs to the Riverlea cycling club.

Jacobs said that he started with the cycling about three years ago. “One day I just woke up and God just laid it on my heart that I must buy a bicycle. I didn’t take it to ‘kop’ but anyways I bought the bicycle.”

“I bought me a mountain bike. It was me, Jermaine, Gary, and Bryson, we went to N17 Soweto. Wow, that was the toughest day of my life, riding a bicycle.

“Going was nice, it’s downhill, coming back I quit, I threw the bike one side and I walked, I just gave up,” explained Jacobs on his first cycle on the roads.

Returning to Riverlea, Jacobs explained that his mind was bothered about this N17 that just defeated him.

Jacobs then decided to buy himself a better bicycle and he went all the way alone to N17 and defeated it.

After that event, he bought himself a road bike and his cycling attire.

“I got onto my bike, and since then I’ve been on my bike. It’s going for three years, got two medals, it’s the best thing that ever happens to me. I was a dronkie and I lost my family and I’m reborn. And God just made wonders in my life.

Joseph Jacobs cycling in Riverlea.

“Now people when they talk about wonders they expect you to drive a car, they expect you to have a big house and they don’t know that I’m here for spiritual blessings. That why I say the level that I go to everytime I get to the more I do the more I receive” said Jacobs.

Jacobs is now clean from alcohol for eight years and him alongside with his crew: Jermaine Riberts, Balebetse Kgaye, Gift Mwakona, Sibusiso Msane and Derrick Lewis are are looking forward to cycling in Durban during October this year.

The team is also looking to participate in the Cape Argus Pick ‘n Pay cycle tour next year.

“To the guys outside in Riverlea, one day if you feel like you want to join, join. The sport is expensive, unfortunately, we don’t have bikes but if your heart is on a bike, go for and make the best of it” said Jacobs. A race could cost from about R160 for a 60km and there are various races on cycle lab.

“When I crossed the blue balloon that said finish and when I went pass it and they gave me a medal, I couldn’t believe it because I never reached the soccer that I wanted to, my own house or my own car but when I finished the 94.7, I reached a milestone that I thought I’d never reach” said Jacobs.

The three “D’s” that cycling has taught Jacobs are; Discipline, Determination, Deadliness, not to die but meaning you must go all out. You can’t quit by the finish line.

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