
MEC Nkosi-Malobane welcomes the sentence delivered in the Rhodes Park case

"Our thoughts, prayers are with the families of the deceased and the victims and we hope that they will find closure."

The Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane, welcomes the sentencing of three men to 15 years imprisonment each for robbery, two lives for rape and two lives for murder at the South Gauteng High Court this afternoon.

The three men, Thabo Nkala‚ Edmor Ndlovu and Mduduzi Mathibela, were part of a gang that robbed and killed Zukisa Khela and Sizwe Jeke, raped their wives Jabu Mbatha and Siphokazi Tyeke at the Rhodes Park in October 2015.

“We hope that the sentencing of the three men will send a strong message to criminals out there that the criminal justice system will not hesitate to impose harsher sentences to those found guilty of such atrocious crimes.

“Our hats are off to the police and the team at Ikhaya Lethemba for the thorough investigation, arrest of the three perpetrators, psycho-social therapeutic and medico-legal support provided to the victims as well as putting together a water-tight case.

“Our thoughts, prayers are with the families of the deceased and the victims and we hope that they will find closure,” said MEC Nkosi-Malobane.

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