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DA’s Tsepo Mhlongo explains how ward councillors are elected

Passion and dedication make a great leader

Councillors are expected to attend to their respective community’s needs, but how are they elected?

“Candidates are elected from community leaders who put public interests first,” according to Member of Parliament, Tsepo Mhlongo.

Mhlongo explained, “There are regulations in place, drawn up in terms of Clause 2.2 of the Federal

The selection of all party candidates for public representation takes place in terms of the regulations.

The approved Aspirant Candidate (AC) is the person that wants to stand as a councillor.

The AC is the one whom an electoral college, established in terms of Section 5, has elected to a ward from a municipal pool.

This includes an aspirant candidate who in terms of Section 7.4 has been exempted from having to appear before an electoral college;

AC is a person who has applied to be a candidate of a particular party, but who has not yet appeared before the relevant electoral college; “candidate” means a person selected to stand for the party in a ward, or
a person included on the official ranked list for the National Assembly, a provincial legislature or a municipality;

Mhlongo said, “We have constituency process or election college which goes through a regional process after the final list is approved.”

Mhlongo’s profile is an example of a person who completed the process of becoming the councillor.

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