Zola residents get an update on Eskom

Eskom hands matters over community matter to Nersa for judgment

Economic Freedom Fighters leadership gave an address back to Zola residents on the Eskom issue that has been affecting residents for years.

The report back that was given last week Thursday is that the matter has now been escalated to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) for a decision to be made.

The matter had been taken to Eskom’s offices in Braamfontein where three memorandums detailing resident’s grievances with Eskom were submitted.

This memorandum has been viewed by the office but a decision was taken to escalate the matter on the basis that the Energy regulator will be able to objectively judge what needs to happen next.

The main issue that residents are complaining about is the switch over by Eskom from the old meter boxes to the new ones.

A number of issues have risen from the switch over including; the fact that residents were not confronted before the process was piloted, the process has been piloted but no conclusive and equal roll out has been implemented residents in Soweto as a whole.

“While NERSA is making a decision, people are suffering daily in their households.

“There are some houses that have been affected by this switch over and till today, they have to see to finish.

“I’m not talking about something far- fetched, even my home was affected by the switch and we spent our own money to fix Eskom’s mess.

“In some homes, the switch over has affected appliances and in some cases that whole system is faulty and you will find that household having constant electricity problems since the switchover has taken place,” said Muzi Tshabalala.

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