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Nehawu intensifies strike action at Walter Sisulu Centre in Noordgesig

Department of Social Development employees call for a total shut down as strike enters the second day.

Industrial action by workers affiliated to the National Health Education and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) in the Department of Social Development has entered the second day.

The union downed tools on Monday after wage negotiations with the employer reached a deadlock.

The nationwide strike follows a march by the union last month where workers tabled their demands to the department.

The industrial action intensified on the second day at the Walter Sisulu Centre in Noordgesig.

Workers blocked the entrance to the centre with rocks and burning tires as they called for a total shutdown.

Burning tires outside Walter Sisulu Centre.

Management was forced to stop all operations at the centre and children were transported to an undisclosed facility.

The strike is supported by the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu).

Federation Spokesperson Sizwe Pamla said, “ We commend the union and its members for showing admirable resolve in defense of the workers’ rights and also in pushing back against bureaucratic arrogance and indifference.”

Some of the things workers are demanding include Improved conditions of service for all employees in the Department of Social Development, Abolishment salary level 2 and 3 for support staff and the implementation of the 2015 Social Work Indaba resolutions to mention just a few.

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