Sports key to diverting youth from drugs

Drugs claiming young lives on a daily basis

Eldorado Park Extension One has long been seen as an area where incidents of drug- and alcohol abuse are on the rise. The area has a reputation for violent crime which goes back to the eighties when gangsterism ruled the roost with gangs operating brazenly.

Sadly, a new social evil has reared its head in the new millennium, drug abuse and -peddling has taken root in the community, claiming a number of victims along the way.

Residents have decided not to let this hold sway over the area, though, and people like Finley Watson are committed to the fight against drug abuse and the attendant spike in crimes such as muggings, burglaries, and murders.

The youth, deprived of sporting facilities, loiter the streets aimlessly and this is when they begin experimenting with drugs and underage drinking.

Watson realised the need for diversionary measures to be introduced to buck this trend and established Juventus Sports Club (JSC). The club is attracting children from the area in the hope that fewer children will fall victim to the scourge.

Soccer, hockey and netball have always been popular sporting codes in Eldorado Park and JSC hosted a sports-filled weekend in Extension One on January 4 which saw 150 children participating.

JSC is a registered Non-Profit Organisation established in 2014, and founder Watson is calling on businesses and other potential sponsors to contact him on 061 616 0354 to provide assistance.

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