Feeding little bodies and minds, Eldos

NUTRILIFE ensuring children’s nutritional needs are met.

South Africa is a country faced with many socioeconomic disparities. This is evidenced in the alarmingly high number of children who go to school each day without having had a morsel of food to eat.

Adequate nutrition is vital for development.

FUTURELIFE recognises the importance nutrition plays in the development of children and have donated 10 000 boxes of cereal to Jo’burg Child Welfare. This donation is the equivalent of 100 000 breakfast servings and will be dispersed to a number of children’s homes supported by the organisation.

David Sweidan, General Manager of the Business and Marketing unit says, “Breakfast is directly linked to a child’s ability to learn and thrive. It’s difficult for a child to reach their full potential academically or physically if they come to school hungry on a daily basis. Sadly, malnutrition is a massive problem in South Africa and children aged 0-5 are the worst affected.”

“Every child deserves to start the day with a healthy meal and this gesture will ensure that these children enjoy that right.”

The company recognises the importance of creating viable feeding programmes for vulnerable and disadvantaged people and aim to make this an on-going donation to aid those in need.

As a result, they have formed a Non-profit Organisation called the FUTURELIFE Foundation in 2014 which serves approximately 150 000 meals a month to needy children in South Africa.

Early childhood is vital for healthy growth and development which is the building block for the future accomplishments of children and it is encouraging to see organisations such as FUTURELIFE and Jo’burg Child Welfare stepping into the fray to ensure that our children receive adequate nutrition before starting their day.

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