
21st Century Skills: a company that every learner should know

Adding the development aspect to internships.

21st Century Skills is a company that specialises in developing and managing interns. Initially the company was operating under the name Elasmocol Pty Ltd in 2012 and later that year was changed to 21st Century Skills. The decision was prompted by the fact that the company wanted to focus mostly on managing and developing interns rather than just taking them in and placing them in various companies.

‘’ We do not just manage the intern we make sure that even when they step outside of that company at the end of that internship that person is developed and can actually go out on their own and is not just depended on that company’’, said Project Coordinator of 21st Century Skills, Carmen Van Buuren.

‘’ The gap was seen in the sense that interns have been placed in organisations for years its nothing new, but if the situation is not managed it opens up the door to a lot of misuse and abuse’’, said Ntandokayise Ndlovu, Workplace Intern Coordinator at 21st Century Skills.

‘’ You then find for example people who are suppose to be learning to become Systems Support Technicians downstairs packing boxes instead’’, added Ndlovu.

This is the type of abuse that resulted in the formation of the company. In the same breath 21st century skills does not condone interns who believe they should be given special treatment or be treated with kid gloves.

21st Century Skills seeks its candidates through Social media, Community radio stations and databases obtained from government departments, University Alumni departments etc. The intern should have a qualification of a certain level and be verified by 21st century skills. Once the qualifications are verified the candidate is called to come for an interview. Upon a successful interview the candidate then goes through an induction thereafter signs a contract which formally places him/her onto the programme.

Currently 21st Century Skills has relationships and partnerships with companies from various industries such as Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development; Gauteng Department of Education;  EOH ; Gridline Construction; Redwill IT; Mologadi A.Nape Constructions; Cardz Group; Adcock-Ingram; Afriticket; City of Joburg Property Company  to name a few.

For more information about 21st Century Skills contact Carmen Van Buuren on 010 595 2159 or e-mail her at alternatively contact Ntandokayise Ndlovu on the same number or e-mail him at

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