Die Klein 2 project conducting patrols, Eldos

Our children are affected

The flats in Extension Two, known in local parlance as ‘Die Klein Two’ are abuzz with the laughter of children. Closer inspection reveals that the laughter emanates from the green container which serves as the base of operations for the Gail Britoe Foundation.

Perched on multi-coloured chairs, they are listening to an older girl reading from a story book. Ensley Britoe, founder of the foundation, emerges from the container wearing a broad, infectious smile. It is easy to see that he cares for the children the foundation feeds on a daily basis.

Watching his interaction with the children who are fed and kept busy with games at the container, it is easy to see why he wishes to set up daily patrols in the area.

Britoe says, “Our children are detrimentally affected by crime and we need to do something to rid our community of these ills before they start copying these behaviours and the cycle continues to the next generation.”

Ensley Britoe taking care of his charges.

To counter this, Britoe and residents from the area have set up patrols in the area to ensure that would-be perpetrators are deterred from terrorising the community.

Dubbed ‘Die Klein Two Project’, the group aim to conduct daily and nocturnal patrols in the area and report offenders to police.

Britoe says that residents have pledged their support for the initiative as shown by the group’s increasing numbers on the Whatsapp group they have set up.

They hope that this will mushroom and that micro communities adopt similar approaches in dealing with and curbing crime in a number of areas in Eldorado Park.

Ensley Britoe provides further insight in the video below.

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