16 Days of Activism campaign gains momentum, Eldos


The 16 Days of Activism campaign spearheaded by the Eldorado Park South African Police Services and the Eldorado Park Local Drug Action Committee sat for a plenary meeting at the Eldorado Park police station boardroom.

Cheryl Pillay, LDAC chairperson presented a proposal to all who attended from various stakeholders within the community.

The aim of the meeting was to discuss and agree on activities for the launch, scheduled to take place on November 28 at the police station at the corner of Main Road and Buckingham Avenue at 10am.

The meeting gained momentum as the idea of identifying 16 families affected by violent crime and showing solidarity with them during this month, was touted.

Colonel Sydney Ngele, from the SAPS national office, provided his input and suggestions with regard to dates which needed to be amended as SAPS would also be embarking on a national campaign to the initially proposed date.

A compromise was reached and the date settled on. What remained were a few wrinkles which required ironing out, and Ngele provided invaluable information and assistance to steer the meeting in the right direction.

Peter Rafferty, Ward 17 councillor, also attended the meeting and listened intently as the planned activities were rolled out.

Dereleen James, anti-drug activist and LDAC member provided the hashtag #EldosbreakingDshackles which would be posted on social media and was in keeping with the symbolic breaking free of the bonds violence against women and children, in particular, places in any community.

The campaign will continue until December 2 and continues to gain momentum as they move past the planning phase until it is implemented.

View the video below as Cheryl Pillay explains what the campaign will entail.

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