Bridge gathering shape, Westbury

"the project will be completed in 3 Weeks maximum"

The Westbury Pedestrian Bridge is gathering shape and residents are happy with the progress made thus far.

Calvin Cass community liaison officer of the project said he would like to thank the community for their patience throughout the project.

“The patience that the residents of Westbury had is overwhelming and we are happy to say that the project will be completed in about three weeks maximum,” said Cass.

The bridge accompanied by a park and gym forms part of the Westbury Precinct Plan.

But even though it is a much-anticipated project some feel it is a waste of money.

Reggie Nefdt said the bridge is a calling for more crime.

“We already have some much crime in our area and this will increase once the bridge is fully operational,” said Nefdt.

Below are some pictures:

Also Read : New bridge unveiled in Westbury

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