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The Soweto pride postponement goes beyond financial implications

"We will not meekly accept the closing down of communal spaces to LGBTI people."

According to the Forum for the Empowerment of Women (FEW) throughout the years of organising Soweto Pride they have been subjected to degradation and homophobia by a number of state entities and subjected to unreasonable conditions and restrictions.

FEW will be taking the matter further with the relevant authorities.

“We will not meekly accept the closing down of communal spaces to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people.”

FEW asks everyone who supports their rights that are enshrined in the constitution such as freedom of expression, freedom of movement and freedom of association to join them in the fight to eradicate discrimination in communities practised by the entities tasked to protect them.

FEW announced a statement on September,21 that the Soweto pride  coerced postponement because of being bullied state entities.
The parade has been moved to medium risk because of the unruly behaviour that took place at the Soweto pride 2015.
This change in risk categorisation has great consequences in the preparations and resources that have been placed  in the pride.
In addition 22 JMPD officers will cost the parade about 30 000 Rands, 300 marshals that will cost 75000 Rand and 80 graded security guards which will cost an estimated amount of 36000 Rands.

In total, an additional R110000.00 will have to be paid or pride will face the risk of being shut down on the day of the event.

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