13-year-old boy plays music professionally, Zola

No hobby, No hope

Sinoxolo Galela (13) from Zola North plays the cello and had no sport in school which appealed to him. At first he said he had no hope of finding a hobby during his school days until he heard a teacher play the cello all and talked about the different ways of holding and playing the cello in the Diepkoof Community Hall.

Galela said he discovered that he could play the cello and enjoy it every time when he could remember the notes. He can read the music and knows every note in the book even though he only started playing last year February.

The love of music has taught him to never give up, musician struggle to get some notes perfect but as they continue they end up getting it right and everything just flows. Galela himself said to the kids who haven’t found their dear hobbies, “Follow your heart and if it feels right do it, no matter what the naysayers say keep going.”

Galela looks forward to playing the cello for a jazz group, but mentioned that he is not into music for the fame but rather the joy playing gives him.

The music class in the community hall in Diepkloof takes place every Wednesday and Saturday, every child is welcomed to learn how to play various musical instruments and read musical notes.

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