Discipline talks for Tumelo Primary by the SAPS, Meadowlands

Tumelo Primary called on the help of the Meadowlands Police force to instill discipline on their Grade four pupils.

Meadowlands police hosted a school talk at Tumelo Primary School on Friday regarding discipline with the Grade Fours of the school.

Captain Thinandavha Lufhugu said, “We have been receiving so many complaints coming from the school teachers on the disrespect they experience every day from the Grade four pupils and the teachers expressed how difficult it is to discipline them because the pupils throw the law at them.”

The pupils listened attentively as the Captain explained the importance of respect and discipline among the pupils and how it will affect them in their future activities.

The problem pupils were pinpointed and each of them explained their reasons for their behavioural patterns in class.

The SAPS usually host talks in schools to motivate pupils to focus on their learning and not to get distracted with meaningless activities that cause disruptions in class.

The talk was well received and the pupils will be monitored by the teachers going further into the year, and Lufhugu promised to monitor them as well.

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