IEC tallying voter registration numbers

The Electoral Commission will this week review the activities from this weekend’s registration.

The Electoral Commission has started tallying the numbers, following the first voter registration weekend, ahead of the forthcoming municipal elections.

“The Electoral Commission will this week review the activities from this weekend’s registration and the results of the registration weekend will be announced in the early part of the week,” the commission said on Sunday.

Initial estimates for registration activities yesterday showed that approximately one million people visited voting stations to register, update their registration details and re-register at new voting districts.

The commission reported on Sunday that almost all voting stations were open, with less than 20 voting stations out of the country’s 22 569 voting stations experiencing glitches due to community activism. The Electoral Commission said it is in talks with stakeholders in these areas.

The commission said South Africans will still be able to register during office hours at their local IEC offices in each municipality until the date for the Municipal Elections is proclaimed. –

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