Manhunt on for remaining two men who escaped from holding cell

Police re-arrest two of the four men who escaped from their holding cell in Protea.

Protea Glen police are still searching for the remaining two men who escaped from the Protea Police Station holding cells.

According to constable Vincent Mashiteng they are working hard to trace the remaining men.

“Initially four men escaped from the holding cells where they were kept before they could appear in court.

“So far we have re-arrested only two and we are still searching and following every lead we get so we can re-arrest the remaining two.”

Mashiteng said: “The police are requesting the public to assist with information that will lead to the arrest of the two other outstanding suspects.

“The public is warned not to approach the suspects as they could be armed and dangerous.”

If suspects are known or seen please contact the nearest police station or contact the police on the following numbers: Crime stop: 08600 10111 and send a sms on Crime line: 32211.


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