D-Day for matrics

The nation will receive insight into how well the class of 2015 faired.

The wait will finally be over for Grade 12 pupils who sat for the 2015 matric exams as Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga releases the 2015 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examination Results, in Johannesburg, today.

The Department of Basic Education said the 2015 NSC examinations were the largest so far, with 801 688 candidates having sat for the exam.

“The nation will receive insight into how well the class of 2015 faired as the Minister recognises the efforts of the years highest achievers before statements of results will be made available to candidates on Wednesday,” said the department.

The department said an in-depth technical briefing into the results will also be given, allowing for a greater understanding into how the processes involved in administering the examinations, marking and scoring.-SAnews.gov.za

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