Victims of HIV remembered

Ward 38 to identify all child-headed households and HIV orphans and find a way of supporting them.

The health and education portfolio of the African National Congress (ANC) June Mlangeni Branch in Ward 38 held a candlelight commemoration for World AIDS Day at the Dube Chapel on Tuesday last week.

Those who attended the event committed themselves to making everyday World AIDS Day by intensifying the fight against HIV.

The day was not only about raising awareness about the disease but it was dedicated to remembering those who are infected and those affected as well.

Organiser Seithati Mabuya said the plan was to remember those who have died while not forgetting those who were left orphaned because of HIV.

“We have decided to start a programme to identify all child-headed households and HIV orphans and find a way of supporting them,” said Mabuya.

Even though turnout by residents was good, there was only a handful of young people. This was a concern particularly for the ANC branch chairperson Vuyisile Mabaca.

As a result it was decided that programmes like these should be an everyday thing so as to encourage young people to participate.

Speakers, including health workers and social workers, all conveyed a message of prevention and working together as communities to ensure that the fight against HIV is won.


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