South Africa continues to push for zero infections this #WorldAidsDay

More than 6 million people in this country are living with HIV.

From 2001 to this year the theme for World Aids Day has been, “Getting to Zero.”  This theme is mainly focused at the eradication of HIV/Aids infection while doing away with discrimination of the infected and affected.

As the world commemorates World Aids Day on December 1, the country recommits itself in working towards archiving the goal of zero new infections.

Even though a lot has been done to fight HIV/Aids, a lot still needs to be done as well. According to statistics released by New Start, about 400 000 South Africans get infected with HIV each year.

Currently 6.4 million South Africans are living with HIV while only 2.7 million of them are on antiretroviral treatment. 

As a non-governmental organisation which does a lot of work in promoting and implementing free HIV counselling and testing services, New Start is intensifying the fight this World Aids Day.

The organisation continues to emphasise the importance of getting tested and knowing ones status. Director at the Society for Family Health Miriam Mhazo wich manages New Start said the problem of HIV can be talked once everyone knows their status.

“There are still far too many people getting infected with HIV and many more who are unaware of their status.

“We can’t tackle the impact of the disease until every single person in the country understands the importance of taking this step to know his or her status,” explained Mhazo.

One major concern for Mhazo is that a vast number of South Africans don’t know their status. This makes treatment and prevention Nmore challenging for the country.

Even though it is a challenge, a lot has been done to fight HIV.  Since 2004, over a million HIV tests have been done and over a billion condoms distributed by New Start.

The main Message conveyed this World Aids Day is for everyone to get tested.


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