Local NewsNewsSchools

Trees for the future

ABSA promotes greening by donating trees to Nkholi Primary.

ABSA and Food & Trees for Africa donated trees to Nkholi Primary School and the community of Pimville yesterday November 19.

The donation was part of a drive by ABSA to promote greening in communities while pushing education about the dangers of global warming.

Pupils and residents who attended the event at the school were educated about the importance of trees in the lives of every living being.

The donation and education about the importance of trees at the school comes after the province experienced first rainfalls after months of droughts.

Global warming and climate change can be blamed for the lack of rain experienced in the recent past.

Nkholi Primary School principal Esther Moloto said trees are not only for food and providing shade when it’s hot but they are important in increasing biodiversity.

“We believe that the trees donated today will be a very important learning resource for our children because we teach them about global warming,” said the principal.

The trees donated on the day will be adding to another learning resource the school already has which is a vegetable garden.

ABSA has been running the initiative for two years now.

When it started, the bank wanted to plant a tree for every car they sold through their green vehicle finance.

Mohammed Rajah from ABSA said the idea behind the initiative is to reduce carbon emission and create a sustainable future for communities.

“This is a great education opportunity for pupils at the school in terms of creating a better future and what they can expect if they take care of the environment. It is important to educate them from an early age about the importance of trees in fighting global warming,” concluded Rajah.


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