Today the world commemorates #WorldPneumoniaDay

Pneumonia is the single largest cause of child deaths worldwide and adults are at risk too.

November 12 is a day where people and health organisations across the world commemorate World Pneumonia Day.

This is a day set aside by the United Nations to raise awareness about pneumonia.

Particular attention is paid to prevention and treatment measures while governments across the world are encouraged to join the fight.

According to the UN, pneumonia is the single largest cause of child deaths worldwide.

Children under the age of five years old are most vulnerable to the disease.

It is a form of acute respiratory infection which affects the lungs.

Breathing becomes painful and oxygen intake becomes limited when one suffers from pneumonia.

Even though statistics show that it affects children mostly, adults do suffer from pneumonia as well.

The disease is preventable and treatable. In August this year, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi was admitted to the Steve Biko Academic Hospital after being diagnosed with pneumonia.


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