Water cuts on a high in Westside, Soweto not yet

Soweto area not affected yet but Westside area hit hard by water restrictions.

According to Rand Water media relations official Justice Mohale water will be a scarce resource in the Westside area during the festive season.

“As mentioned previously because of the high temperatures and high consumption of water in these areas, water will sometimes be limited unexpectedly,” said Mohale.

This week Westbury and some of the surrounding areas did not have water for almost eight hours while Coronationville has struggled getting water for six days.

According to acting manager for communications and marketing from Joburg Water David Sibiya, the Soweto area has not yet been affected.

“The Soweto area has not been affected severely as yet because of the distance of the reservoirs.

“More information regarding water cuts to this area will be given once we receive direct info from our research teams,” said Sibiya.

One resident Caileen Henry who lives in Coronationville expressed her disappointment.

“We want answers why just Coronationville and if it’s restrictions, why for such long periods of time?

“Why can’t it be rotated and why can’t we be briefed on the matter,” said Henry

Ward 82 Councillor Susan Stewart mentioned that there is a shortage of water in the area.

“It is a water shortage problem and certain places are going to be restricted to a continuous flow.

“There is not much that we can do as residents but follow the guidelines supplied by Joburg Water on saving water,” said Stewart.

Mohale said that the City does not have enough water so these cuts will happen unexpectedly.

“We have started filling up the reservoirs because they are dry and whenever we have to fill them up, the water will be cut.

“As residents we should also try and use water sparingly in order to assist wherever possible,” said Mohale.


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