Men caught while stripping hijacked vehicle

Two men arrested for possession of hijacked vehicle, three others on the run.

Soweto Flying Squad arrested two men yesterday, 19 and 35 years respectively for possession of a hijacked motor vehicle on Shamkwanga Street in Chiawelo.

The Soweto Flying Squad responded to a tracking signal which led them to Chiawelo.

On their arrival at the scene, they found five men stripping the motor vehicle trying to remove the tracking device.

The police arrested two men and the other three ran away.

“The vehicle was a white Toyota Hilux Single Cab and it was hijacked yesterday morning in Alberton.

“The driver of the vehicle was dropped unharmed in Rockville, Soweto and the hijacked vehicle’s dashboard was stripped, seats and the canopy were removed,” said Constable Vincent Mashiteng, Gauteng cluster communications officer.

It is alleged that the 35-year-old man is the owner of the scrapyard in Midway and he was previously arrested for possession of stolen motor vehicle.

Investigation is underway and the manhunt has been launched to trace the other three men.

The two will appear in the Protea Magistrates’ Court on a charge of possession of a hijacked motor vehicle.

The hijacked vehicle which was found in Chiawelo.



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