Man accused of rape denied bail

Doctor reveals in court that the girl was sexually assaulted multiple times.

On Monday, the father accused of allegedly raping his 11-year-old girl made his third appearance in court.

The 48-year-old man from Eldorado Park was denied bail after being arrested.

He appeared at the Protea Magistrate Court where his bail application was dismissed.

The bail application was dismissed after the state attorney revealed results from the doctor who examined the 11-year-old girl.

The results stated that indeed the girl has been sexually assaulted, not once but a number of times.

It also stated that not only was the girl sexually penetrated but oral sex was involved too.

The man’s past was also revealed and it stated that he had been involved in other crimes such as robbery and assault which dates back from 1984.

Bail application was therefore dismissed and the case was postponed for further investigations.

Mother of the girl said that she just wants justice to be done and wants her daughter’s father locked up for good.

“I just want justice to be served and he mustn’t get any bail, he must be locked up in jail.

“He is a danger to society because if he can do such a thing to his daughter then imagine what he can do to other children in the community,” said the mother.

The man is still in custody and will appear again in court on October 8.

The 11-year-old girl is kept at a place of safety.


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