
Numsa plans to unite workers to #MarchAgainstCorruption

March goes on despite none agreement with NEDLAC.

The situation looked normal in Soweto this morning as the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) embarked on a ‘mother of all marches against corruption.’

The union planned to march to the Union Buildings in Pretoria today September 30 against corruption.

Last week the National Economic Labour and Development Council (NEDLAC) granted the union permission to march but said the permit was only valid in two weeks time.

This means that workers participating in today’s march are not protected by law.

Despite this, Numsa forged to go ahead with the stay away under the banner Unite Against Corruption.

They are calling workers from all sectors to unite in the fight against corruption which has detrimental effects to the economy of the country.

“By joining the Unite Against Corruption coalition we are asserting that no other people can be better whistle-blowers of the corruption that takes place in the private sector than our members,” reads a statement by Numsa released early this month.


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