A new deadly drug called “Whoonga” hits Westside

SANCA rep says new drug consists of rat poison, soap powder and the main ingredient ARVs or Aids medication.

Whoonga is a new, deadly drug which is slowly becoming common in South African townships.

It was first reported on in Durban – but has since spread to other parts of the country.

Not only is this drug easily accessible but it is also sold very cheaply.

It is a concoction of various substances: rat poison, soap powder and the main ingredient Anti-retro virals (ARVs) or Aids medication.

Whoonga is distributed as a fine white powder which is added to marijuana and/or tobacco.

This mixture is smoked and the result is said to be one of the most lethal drugs in the world.

It is highly addictive, even after only one hit, and leads to violent side-effects such as: anxiousness, aggression, stomach cramps, slowing down of the heart rate and lungs.

A drug expert from SANCA Fred Kelly explained more.

“Since the use of whoonga has come to light there have been several alarming reports indicating that HIV/Aids patients are being robbed of their ARVs when leaving their local clinic.

“This leads to sporadic intake, or them going without and other patients are willing to sell them.

“I urge all parents to stay educated on this drug so they notice the side effects,” said Kelly.

If taken in overdose heart and lung function reduction becomes fatal.

Lorion Fortuin from SANCA Westbury said it is now even used in the Westside area.

“The reason why we call it a new drug is because people in this area which is Westbury, Coronationville and its surrounding areas are using it.

“We have discovered recently when doing tests on youngsters that some have started using it,” said Fortuin.

The resulting withdrawal symptoms reportedly involve both extreme craving and pain, which are only temporarily relieved by fresh doses of the drug.

A few users have allegedly died from crippling stomach cramps and acute pain.

Though one hit costs only R20 a whoonga addict needs several hits per day, and users are typically too poor to afford the drug through legal income.

Addicts therefore turn to crime to raise the money to secure a regular supply.

For any assistance regarding these types of drugs and rehab you can visit the SANCA office at the Westbury High Hostel or phone their offices on 010 593 7532.


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