Today the World commemorates #DemocracyDay

This year's theme is "Space for Civil Society".

September 15 was declared by the United Nation General Assembly as International Day of Democracy in 2007.

This was done with the purpose of upholding and promoting the principles of democracy.

All UN member states were invited to join hands in commemorating this day and raise public awareness about it.

South Africa is one of the UN member states which commemorates this day.

Simply explained, democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives.

Human rights which are ensured by the constitution are emphasised in a democratic society. These rights include freedom of association and most importantly the right to participate in the democratic process through voting.

This year’s theme for International Day of Democracy is “Space for Civil Society”.

This theme serves as a reminder to governments across the world the role civil society plays in strengthening and upholding the values of democracy.

The theme is also a call for governments to allow or provide favorable conditions for civil societies and NGOs to carryout their duties freely.

According to the UN General Assembly, “Globally, the role of civil society has never been more important than this year, as the world prepares to implement a new development agenda, agreed to by all the world’s Governments.

However, for civil society activists and organisations in a range of countries covering every continent, space is shrinking — or even closing — as some governments have adopted restrictions that limit the ability of NGOs to work or to receive funding.”

International Day of Democracy reminds everyone to play an active role in upholding and promoting the values of democracy wherever they are.


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