Petrol price drops by 69 cents

According to the department, the average international product prices of petrol, diesel and illuminating paraffin decreased during the period under review.

The petrol price will come down by 69 cents as of this week while diesel will cost between 51 cents and 54 cents less per litre, said the Department of Energy on Friday.

According to the department, the price of Illuminating Paraffin will decrease by 55 cents and 74 cents.

Gas will come down by 89 cents per kilogram.

This comes after the Automobile Association anticipated fuel prices to drop further, estimating a decrease of between 55 cents and 64 cents per litre for petrol, 60 cents for illuminating paraffin and between 53 cents and 57 cents for diesel due to the downward trend of international petroleum prices

The Minister of Energy, Tina Joematt-Pettersson has approved an increase in the retail margin of petrol of 4.6cpl to cater for the salary increase of 9% for pump attendants and cashiers in line with the Motor Industry Bargaining Council (MIBCO) agreement of September 2013.

The new prices will come into effect on Wednesday.


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