
Supply problems hit Gauteng condom distribution

Condom distribution falls nine million short of target.

Condom distribution in Gauteng has fallen nine million short of target this year because of national supply problems.

This information was disclosed by the Gauteng Health Department at a meeting of the Health Oversight Committee in the Gauteng Legislature.

Democratic Alliance (DA) Gauteng Shadow for Health Jack Bloom said, “Instead of 58 million condoms being distributed in the first quarter of the 2015/16 financial year, which covers April to June, only 42 million were distributed.

“The shortfall last year was 62 million condoms, the target was 193 million and only 131 million were distributed.”

Gauteng Health MEC Qedani Mahlangu blamed the shortage on problems with the national condom tender, and said she was looking at proposals to get good quality condoms from other companies.

“It is disturbing that problems with the national condom tender are hitting supply so badly in Gauteng.

“Prevention of HIV/Aids is a top priority, so the condom supply problem should be fixed as soon as possible.

“I support MEC Mahlangu in looking for local suppliers who can quickly make up the shortfall,” Bloom said.


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