Police officer to appear in court for allegedly raping a teenager

Mother puts daughter’s boyfriend behind bars.

The 32-year-old police officer from Soweto K9 who was arrested last week Thursday for alleged statutory rape is due to appear in court today.

It is alleged that the police officer was having an affair with the 14-year-old girl whom he is arrested for allegedly raping.

The victim’s mother alleged that her daughter left home going to school on Friday, August 14, but she did not go to school and went to her boyfriend’s place instead  in Protea Glen Extension Two.

She said that when her daughter did not come home that day she went looking for her and she did not find her.

At school they confirmed that the child never came to school that Friday, the mother went to the police and opened a missing person case.

The child came back home on Monday, August 17, and told her mother that she was at her boyfriend’s place who is a police officer.

She told her mother that she spent the whole weekend with her boyfriend and they had sexual intercourse.

The mother opened a case of statutory rape and investigations were conducted.

The child was taken for medical examination and it was confirmed that she had sexual intercourse.

The police officer was arrested and charged with statutory rape, he will appear today at the Protea Glen Magistrates’ Court on charge of statutory rape.


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