
Guns and bullets found in Naledi

Woman arrested for boyfriend’s “stolen goods”.

About 10 guns and more than hundred bullets found in Naledi near the police station.
At about 4:45am yesterday, a couple was having a fight at their backroom in Naledi when the neighbours called the police.

The man, who was beating his girlfriend (29) ran away and dropped a gun when the police came looking for him.
The gun which was found dropped at the backyard triggered questions and the police searched the backroom where they found “shocking” things.

A total of five pistols, five revolvers, one shot gun, nine holsters, 22 expensive wrist watches, 224 live ammunition and more than 100 bullets were found in the couple’s backroom.
The girlfriend was arrested with possession of firearms and will have to explain why all these things were found at her place.

“We are arresting the woman because the backroom belongs to her and she will have to explain in court why these things are at her place, said Major General Fed Kekana.
The man is still wanted and has other cases of house robberies and business robberies.
Police say this is a serious case because it also involves domestic violence, since the woman had bruises on the face.

Neighbours were shocked because the couple have only been together for about five months and the incident happened in front of the woman’s son, who is 10 years old.

“We are so shocked because this guy looks innocent, yes they do have arguments sometimes but we didn’t know he would do something like this, beating his girlfriend and also point a gun at her son,” said one of the next door neighbours.

Further investigations are underway as an Audi A3 was also found at the yard and police suspect it might be a stolen vehicle.


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