Watch: Ndou needs help to get an ID

Ndou has never owned an ID.

While other South Africans are enjoying the benefits of the new smart card identity (IDs) which were officially introduced in July 2013 by the Department of Home Affairs, Khathu Ndou (33) has never owned an ID.

Ndou said, “My late mother told me that she lost my birth certificate, before we moved to Diepkloof.

“In 2007 I then went to Baragwanath Hospital where I was born to check when was I born.

“They told me that they couldn’t find my file.

From then I just gave up.

“Grade Seven is the highest grade that I passed.

“It’s hard for me to walk at night because when police ask for my ID to prove that I am a South African citizen, I cannot produce it.”


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