Boys rescued from bogus initiation school

Boys were rescued from an illegal initiation school operating in an old mine in Meadowlands on Friday.

22 boys aged between 11 and 17 were rescued from an illegal initiation school near an abandoned mine in Meadowlands Zone Seven on Friday.

Resident Mamello Maditse said police were called after a boy who managed to escape from the school approached residents for help.

“The boys would escape to come ask for food or water from the community but didn’t say anything about being kidnapped or attending an initiation school unwillingly.

“It was only on Friday morning that one of them told the community about their nightmare at the initiation school.

“They were abducted at Orange Farm during their soccer match about three weeks ago and brought to the old mine,” said Maditse, who was part of the rescue team.

Police spokesperson Captain Phephi Matlou-Mteto said investigations are underway and a case has been opened against the perpetrators who have still not been arrested.

“Four of the boys were badly assaulted and one sustained serious burns on his one arm. They’re currently receiving medical attention as they were very dehydrated.

“They will be taken in for questioning once they have all been reunited with their families,” said Matlou-Mteto.

Residents around the mines in Meadowlands are urged to be vigilant and alert community leaders of any suspicious activities in those areas.

Anyone with information that could lead to the arrest of the perpetrators and the running of these illegal initiation schools is encouraged to come forward at Meadowlands Police Station.


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