Old school used as “Lolly Lounge” for drug users

Residents unhappy with government's order to vacate building.

An old school previously known as Voorwaarts Primary in Westbury is being occupied by drug users for more than 10 years.

Problem is that because the school is in the same yard as that of the clinic, it then makes it clinic property.

According to resident and Community Liaison Officer (CLO) for the new clinic construction Peter Wagner, the people living in the building were supposed to be out by June 30.

“We have given them notice as instructed by the City of Johannesburg.”


However, they have still not vacated the building.

“The area needs to be used for the new clinic and these people need to go,” said Wagner.

Residents of the building feel that they are being treated unfairly.

“We can’t just move and then we do not know where we are going to.

“I feel we are being treated unfairly and this government should provide us with an alternative place to live,” said Paul a resident.

They have officially been given a final week’s notice to move by City of Johannesburg Council.


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