Watch: Chris Forrest judges potjie competition

Villa of Hope held a potjie competition on Saturday where Celebrity Masterchef was one of the judges.

The Villa of Hope had their annual family cook-off as part of their fundraising.

This year contestants competed in a potjie competition where Celebrity Masterchef winner Chris Forrest was one of the judges.

Forrest chose Villa of Hope as the charity to receive his all his winnings.

“As an ambassador for us, Chris has changed us completely.

“He was the dark horse in Masterchef, we didn’t think he would win,” Zorina Wentworth from Villa of Hope said.

Forrest was invited by Wentworth to a function they had over a year ago and was impressed by everyone.

“This is a magical place, there are cool people working here, the children are awesome and concept behind it is really cool I wanted to get involved.

“There are a lot of charities that are there for themselves and don’t give back as much as the villa does, you can’t see them making a difference in peoples lives as the villa does.” Forrest said.

Villa of Hope is a children’s home facility for children who require tentative care, especially those who have been victims of abuse or neglect.

The fundraising event on Saturday brought celebrities and the community together who were entertained by children of the villa.

Children sang the Villa of Hope song while an artist John Adams painted a picture of Nelson Mandela, upside down

The potjie competition will take place annually and Forrest encourages residents to take part next year.

“Those who didn’t participate this year will have enough time to prepare for next year,” said Forrest.

He has one tip that will ensure your meal will come out tops, “Don’t be kak,” he said.


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