Police vow to put a stop to hijackings

Police hot on the heels of a hijack syndicate in Soweto.

Moroka Police Station has vowed to crack down on a hijacking syndicates that have been troubling Soweto motorists for the past three months.

The station’s communications spokesperson John Serala said in the past three months, Soweto has been experiencing an increase in crimes that are related to the hijacking of a Nissan MPV 200 bakkies and theft from moving trucks, which are delivering goods around the malls in Soweto.

“Criminals are mostly targeting these small bakkies, especially company vehicles.

“Many of these vehicles have been hijacked in the past months and the motive behind these hijackings is still not clear.”

Police stations like Naledi, Moroka, and Dobsonvillle, have seen an increase in the hijackings of these bakkies.

Serala said that in some cases, the police recover some of the vehicles that are fitted with tracking devices but most of them are still not recovered.

“We like to encourage the community of Soweto and those who are doing business in Soweto to be vigilant when driving these types of a motor vehicle around Soweto.

“Companies that have representatives who are working around Soweto must ensure that their drivers have the contact numbers of the police vehicles sector cars, which are located in the places where they often do business.

People must make sure that they do not park their vehicles in remote areas.

“The most important thing is that people who are visiting their relatives or partners must ensure that they do not park on the pavements or on dark streets.”


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