
Grassroot Soccer exposing young people to the workplace

Career expo gives pupils a chance to interact with professionals from different industries.

High school pupils from Soweto and Alexandra attended a career expo organised by Grassroot Soccer on Friday.

Grassroot Soccer is a Non Profit Organisation which uses the power of soccer to educate and mobilise young people to stop the spread of HIV. The expo was held at their branch in Alexandra.

Professionals from different industries were invited to mentor pupils. Learners were given a chance to ask questions about their careers of interest. The event was not only about careers but health talks were given by health workers as well.

Health workers talked about their professions while at the same time educating learners about HIV prevention.

Sheldon Halsted Programmes Intern at the Soweto branch of the organisation said they organised the event as part of their mission to make young people employable in the future.

“Career expos are helping in a way that they expose young people to the workplace,” said Halsted.

She said they felt the need to do more as an organisation and go beyond just educating young people about the dangers of HIV.

The day was rounded off by a soccer match between the Soweto and Alexandra branch.

Halsted said they have a lot of educational campaigns coming up in the near future. One of them is a big HIV testing campaign coming up next month.


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