Campaign motivates residents to cleanup

Residents are adopting new habits to keep their community clean.

It’s been eight weeks since Councillor Sphiwe Mbongo together with the Department of Environmental Affairs, Pikit Up and Ward 41 began cleaning vacant spaces that had become targets of illegal dumping in Zones One, Three, Four and Five.

The cleanup campaign has motivated residents to take better care of their environment by cleaning it and keeping it clean.

More than five identified areas have been cleaned and according to Mbongo, they have remained clean.

“The effort and participation by residents has been great. It’s the reason why the campaign was extended to April as it was initially only planned for March,” said Mbongo.

The councillor added that illegal dumping is a health hazard to the community, particularly children as they often play near these places.

“It has been a successful two months and it wouldn’t have been possible without the residents.” Mbongo said.

He urged residents to continue with cleaning their areas and warning other residents against illegal dumping.


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