
In celebration of #EarthDay 2015

People across the world are encouraged to look after the environment.

#EarthDay is a day of observance commemorated every year on April 22.

It is one of the most important day on the environmental calendar raising awareness about the importance of taking care of the environment.

Planting trees and clean-up campaigns are some of the typical ways people celebrate #EarthDay.

In the age of Global Warming campaigns on this day tend to focus more on the fight against the emission of greenhouse gasses.

Environmental activists encourage people to sign petitions and hold protests calling for governments to implement stronger environmental laws.

#EarthDay was first organised in 1970 to promote ecology and respect for life on the planet.

In South Africa, this day coincides with Green Office Week which started on April 20 and will be wrapped up on Friday.

This campaign is meant to promote eco-friendly environments in the workplace.

People who work in office environments are encouraged to use electricity wisely and most importantly think carefully before hitting the print button.

Recycling campaigns are most encouraged not only in office environments but everywhere since they save trees.

People across the world are encouraged to follow the ten common ways that reduce greenhouse gasses.

These are:
1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (RRR)
2. Use less heat and air conditioning.
3. Replace regular light bulbs with compact florescent lights.
4. Drive less or even better walk or cycle.
5. Buy energy efficient appliances.
6. Use less hot water.
7. Switch off all lights when leaving home of the office.
8. Plant trees.
9. Get a report card from your electricity supplier that may help identify energy efficient areas in your home of office.
10. Encourage friends, neighbours and colleagues to use energy wisely and recycle.


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