
Palesa Madiba still missing

Family won’t give up search on missing daughter.

April 9 marked 20 months since Palesa Madiba (22) went missing after leaving a friend’s home in Phiri, Soweto.

She was wearing her favourite blue blazer when her family last saw her.

The petite young woman had told her uncle that she was going to visit her mother in Protea Glen for the weekend, but when she left her home in Diepkloof that Friday, she headed elsewhere.

Her father Morena Madiba said it’s been a tough 20 months for the family especially Madiba’s mom.

“She is not doing great at all, she hasn’t been herself since her daughter went missing. She has been in and out of hospital.”

Morena said, “Giving up the search is not an option, they need answers.

“We will not stop looking for her until we have some form of answer, whatever exposure we get to search for Palesa we will appreciate.”

He also added that the family finds it strange that her friend Tshidi

Mkhwanazi, the last person to see Palesa has not attempted to reach out to the family or help search for her.

“She hasn’t said a word, we last spoke to her around this time and she has not come to ask if we’re ok or if we have found her.”

Despite an extensive search for her, her whereabouts remain unknown.

But her family is not giving up.


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