Noordgesig Library now with free internet and Wi-Fi

Noordgesig residents will now access free internet and Wi-Fi at Noordgesig Library.

Mayor Parks Tau announced the roll out of free internet and Wi-Fi in public libraries and Noordgesig Library is one of the libraries that now has free access to both.

“Internationally, we are in a digital race. However, as a City and a country we are not running nearly fast enough. Through this programme we are lacing up our digital running shoes and providing free technology and internet access for all, essentially providing a mechanism to accelerate local social and economic growth,” said Tau.

He also said with the support of the Library and Information Technology Services, the City’s Library and Information Services will roll out the e-World Programme over the next 18 months that will see the enabling of free internet and Wi-Fi access in public libraries.

According to the City of Joburg, using the e-World platform, the e-Learning Project will provide students and pupils with the opportunity to access to virtual learning material as well as massive open online courses.

Member of the Mayoral Committee for Corporate and Shared Services, Mally Mokoena said the City had made a solid commitment to bridging the digital divide by focusing on e-learning as reflected in the City’s Smart Citizen Priority.

“Though the target audience is all citizens of the City, attention has been placed on the youth and school going children. By accessing e-learning technology, pupils are able to remove a bulk of the material costs, enjoy flexible learning times and locations as well as enjoy enhanced content such as audio and video,” said Mokoena.



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