
April 2 is World Autism Day

Over a million people are living with autism in this country.

April 2 is World Autism Day.

This is the day to raise awareness about autism which affects two percent of the world population.

Autism is a term given to a group of complex disorders of brain development which is common in early brain development.

It is characterised by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and none verbal communication and repetitive behaviour.

According to Claire Allen from Autism South Africa (ASA) a national awareness training and empowerment organisation for those individuals affected by autism, over a million people in this country are living with Autism.

Allen who is the National Education Facilitator at the organisation said it is very difficult for people to see if children have autism because it is not a physical but a neurological disorder.

The challenge especially in the townships and rural areas, people tend to think that a person with autism is possessed or it’s a result of witchcraft.

In past years the cause of autism has not been known.

Recent studies by scientists are starting to show that there are various causes of the disorder.

Environmental factors appear to increase a child’s risk to autism.

Advanced parental age at time of conception, maternal illness during pregnancy and certain difficulties during birth, particularly those involving periods of oxygen deprivation to the baby’s brain are also linked to autism.

To commemorate this day people across the world are encouraged to light blue lights as a sign of showing their support.

ASA is asking landmarks and buildings to turn their lights blue today.

The Nelson Mandela statue in Sandton and the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria will be lit blue today.

Allen said blue has always been associated with autism awareness because it’s a colour which symbolises calm and health.

Various events are planned across the country to educate people about autism on this day.

The provincial Basic Education Department will join the commemorations as well.



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