Nancefield Primary gets a library

Pupils are excited for the new library.

After 80 years in existence, Nancefield Primary School opened their first library with the help of School Aid UK.

Raymond Fransman, principal of the school said they will carry on the legacy left by Patti Scales who was instrumental in the building of the library.

Through School Aid and Wendover Rotary, the school got 4000 books, 1500 of them are already being used in the classrooms.

Shazia Jacobs (5) said she is excited to start reading.

“I like reading The Kitty Cat Loves Chasing Butterflies on Warm Sunny Days.

“The library will be nice because I can read more books, I will go to the library a lot,” she said.

Tyler Woodworth (5) said he enjoys reading books of tigers and will make full use of the library.

The library has three librarians who will work closely with teachers.


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