Child protection training

People working with children must be checked on the Child Protection Register.

Social Development Child Protection department held a Child Protection Register Training Programme at the Communal Hall in Orlando East.

Residents were enlightened about section 111 of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005.

According to Social Development the Director General must keep and maintain a register called a National Child Protection Register. The National Child Protection Register consists of a Part A and a Part B.

Part A must have a record of all the reports of abuse or deliberate neglect of a child, all convictions of all persons on charges involving the abuse or deliberate neglect of a child and all findings by a children’s court that a child is in need of care and protection because of the abuse and deliberate neglect of the child.

Part B must have a record of persons who are unsuitable to work with children and to use the information in the register (Part B) in order to protect children in general against abuse from these persons.

The purpose of the National Child Protection Register and in particular Part A of the register is to:

Daphney Naidoo from the Department of Social Development told residents that everyone who works with children should be checked on the Child Protection Register.

“Whether be the Sunday school teacher, the gardener or even the tea lady at school must be checked on the Child Protection Register before being employed to work with children,” she said.


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