Video: School demands reinstatement of principal

Faizel Sallie was allegedly removed from his post with immediate effect.

The School Governing Body (SGB), parents and pupils of Klipspruit Secondary School were up in arms over the immediate removal of the principal, Faizel Sallie.

“I was called on Tuesday at 11am to report to a meeting at noon.

“I was told that the principal is removed with immediate effect and the deputy principal shouldn’t return after the school holidays,” SGB chairperson Shirley Matthews said.

She said the Department of Education didn’t consult with the SGB and accused the department of undermining the SGB.

“If they had to consult with us, the principal would never have been removed,” Matthews said.

Parents and SGB praised Sallie for his work done in the school and said the school cannot afford to lose him.

They demanded on Tuesday that Sallie be reinstated with immediate effect or they will take further action.

Pupils and parents wreaked havoc on Wednesday resulting in pupils missing an exam.

Teachers and pupils weren’t allowed in their classrooms ‘until Sallie returns’.

A mediator consulted with the SGB and promised pupils that Sallie would return to his duties.

According to Matthews he will return as principal of Klipspruit Secondary School.

Phumla Sekhonyane, spokesperson for the Department of Education said the removal of Sallie arose from discussion they had with him through the Principal’s Accountability Sessions.

“The HOD conducts annual accountability sessions to assess the performance of all principals that perform below average in the National Senior Certificate,” Sekhonyane said.

Klipspruit Secondary School falls within the third category, meaning the school performed at 60% and below for the past three years, grading the school as a poorly performing school.

“Despite the interventions from the department, such as, Secondary Schools Interventions Programme, specialised material and counselling the principal, the school has continued to perform poorly.

“The principal was informed at the Accountability Sessions that the Head of Department would have to take action in line with the provisions of the South African School’s Act, Sec. 58B,” Sekhonyane said.

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